Scooter Accident Lawyers

Scooter rentals are available in many cities, including Seattle and Tacoma, as well as near many tourist attractions. They look like a fun, easy way for the whole family to get from one place to another quickly and see the sites.  BUT, are they safe?  The answer is, “usually not.”

Unlike cars, there isn’t any licensing or training process to make sure that the person operating the scooter is capable of safely doing so.  Unlike bicycles, most people have no experience operating a scooter – until they hop on one. And scooters are often not cared for or maintained properly and are frequently ridden by people who are impaired or distracted.  All of this adds up to the high likelihood that someone may be injured as a result of a scooter.  Often the person who is driving the scooter is injured, but sometimes people driving scooters run into an innocent pedestrian and cause serious harm.  When that happens, who pays for your medical bills? Who pays for your lost wages? Who takes care of you?!

At Nelson Boyd, we’re experienced in representing people who have been injured by scooters.  We know how to collect the necessary evidence to prove who was at fault. We know how to identify and collect insurance coverage. We have the resources to build a case for you that provides full compensation for all of your injuries and losses and we’re committed to obtaining justice for you as a result of someone else’s negligence.

Our legal fees for personal injury cases are paid on a contingency basis. This means that we receive a percentage of what are able to recover for you without advance payment. We are not paid by the hour and “the meter” is not ticking. This fee structure enables you to be able to afford a level of expertise and experience that you otherwise might not be able to pay for at a stressful time in your life. Contingency fees give you access to the courts and are another way that we facilitate personalized service with our clients –you can contact us when you have questions without worrying about extra fees.

Call Nelson Boyd attorneys for a free consultation at (206) 971-7601.

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