Riding the bus seems simple enough, right? But let’s face it – a bus is a motor vehicle operated by a human, traveling at high speeds around other human-operated motor vehicles. Errors can happen that result in crashes.
So then, what can you do to ensure you’re the safest possible bus rider?
Take a seat!
If there are seats available, sit down. Even without a seat belt, you are safer off sitting down than standing, and way less likely to be thrown off balance with any sudden stops.
Hold on!
If the bus is packed, take advantage of the loops and poles provided and hold on tight. You never know when the brakes might go on unexpectedly.
Pay attention
It is so easy to get lost in our palm-sized screen at the start and end of each day, but it’s important to pay attention to what is going on outside in case of any sudden maneuvers the driver must make, especially if you are standing.
Keep an eye out
Not everyone will be paying attention. That’s a fact. If you notice something, feel free to tell others around you so they can prepare.
Watch your head
This is more for the pedestrians and/or those waiting at bus stops. Back up off the curb. The side mirrors on buses stick out far enough to bop you on the head as they drive past, and it’s very likely the driver wouldn’t even notice. Also, watch your head as you get on and off the bus, in case something is in the way.